Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pre-Prospecting Preparation

Pre-Prospecting Preparation and Leverage

EVERY call you make should always follow this template (with specifics about each below):
1.  Identify a prospect's need before dialing the fone!
2.  Smile & stand up while talking on the fone.
3.  Excuse the time.
4.  Ask qualifying questions.
5.  Have complete confidence.
6.  Create a big list BEFORE you begin calling people.

Before you call anyone, ask yourself specifically, “Why does this person need the DubLi business?” There are only 4 possible answers, that cover every reason someone would join us:
1.  To earn more money;
2.  To have more time (go full-time with the business and work from home);
3.  To have the challenge of building a business;
4.  To help others.

If you're going to call your wealthy uncle who: 1) is retired with millions in the bank, 2) plays golf everyday when he's not traveling the world, 3) built a business that created 400 millionaires through stock options, and 4) doesn't want to do any more work, then he clearly doesn't have any of the 4 reasons above. So your script is very easy: Uncle Bob, I want to succeed in business like you did. Will you help me? I've found a vehicle ...You never know how he'll respond, but if he just gives you referrals, that's great.

If you know well the person you're prospecting, then it's easy to figure out on which of the 4 reasons to focus. If it's your brother who has always tried different things, the script is again easy: Jim, I know you've tried a bunch of money-making things before, and I think you'll love something that just fell in my lap. It's a hundred times bigger than anything I've ever seen – I think I just found 'The Google of Shopping' ... (Then continue with the normal script.)

If your prospect makes good money but has zero time for family and no end of work in sight for years to come, the potential residual income we offer may be very attractive. Fred, I know you put in ridiculous hours and probably don't have time for anything on the side, but I found a gold mine, and I have a proposal for you that you may not be able to say no to. Then continue with the normal script, but explain to your prospect after the few sentence invite that you think he/she can surface contacts and you can make the calls, using his/her recommendation/endorsement.

Remember, before you call, always have a reason in your head for why they need the business! There's power, satisfaction, and confidence in knowing that you're doing them a favor.

When you're moving, you have more energy, and energy helps provide you with confidence and excitement. If you have trouble conveying this sitting down, then get up! Leave no doubt that you're excited and having a great time with this, and create “fear of loss” in your prospect just by the tone in your voice! You're going to miss out!

The FIRST thing you do after saying hello is ask, Is this a good time? or Do you have a minute? or something that shows respect for their time. The worst thing you can do is launch into a description of the business and get interrupted two sentences into it by the prospect saying they don't have time to hear it right now, and then have them dodging your calls for the next month.

Get leverage on your prospect by having them admit they're interested BEFORE telling them what you have. If you're: 1) unable to determine a need, 2) can't figure out if they'd be interested in doing something on the side, or 3) expect them to be negative about your new business, then ask them qualifying questions:
> “On a scale from 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest), how entrepreneurial are you?If they answer with anything other than an exact number, repeat the question and demand they give you a number. If it's anything lower than a 7, then I ask them, So if I had the cure for cancer, you wouldn't want to hear about it or get a piece of the action? and then listen to their answer. If they say 8 or above, then I say, Oh, then you HAVE to hear about this: I've got “The Google of Shopping ...

> “Are you open to other business? Usually this cuts to the chase, so there's no beating around the bush. Busy, successful l people appreciate this blunt approach, and then they can decide if they want your pitch, instead of you making decisions for them.

> “Did you invest in ______ (Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc.) when they went public? I've got something I think will be as big or bigger ... Do you want to hear about it?
    By asking these questions, you create curiosity and essentially open the mind of your prospect. If they won't “play along” or give the correct answer(s), then you don't have to tell them anything about DubLi.

    Make it clear you will not be responsible 6 or 12 months from now for them being angry that you didn't tell them exactly what was going on and how big DubLi would grow. This is going to happen with or without you or me; this is 100 times bigger than anything I've ever seen; it doesn't matter to me if you do this or not, but I don't want you mad at me a year from now, saying that I didn't do my job in telling you how big this would become!

    In fact, you can even begin your call with this kind of intro: “I just had a new business model land in my lap, what appears to be “The Google of Shopping,” and I know how you are, but I wanted to tell you about it so you aren't angry at me 6 months from now for not telling you about it. I don't care if you invest in it or not, but conscience will be clean and it's all on you now.”

    If you have a list of 1000 names, or at least 100 or 200, you are unlikely to freak out if you go through 10 or 20 and fail to sponsor one of them. In fact, if someone is rude or just uninterested, if you know you've got hundreds of other names, your reaction will probably be completely different than if you only had 20 names on a list.

    Set your mindset BEFORE you dial the fone, then smile and dial until your income is what you want it to be!

    Happy Hunting,


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