Isn't It Time You Checked Into Network Marketing? Like many people I know, I have become totally dissolutioned with the state of the job market. I have been in professional sales for over 35 years and consider myself to be quite proficient. I was down-sized about one year ago. When I spent the next 6 months looking for another position, I felt like I was begging for a job. For those of you who are currently unemployed you know how demoralizing it can be to interview in today’s economic climate. You almost feel like you are begging for the opportunity to line someone else’s pockets. Let’s be honest now, the employers are looking for the “perfect” candidate, because, let’s face it, they are getting bombarded with resumes and can have the cream of the crop for 50 cents on the dollar. I don’t know about you, but this is not what I signed up for. Well, no more! I, as an ever increasing number of other frustrated people, decided to take my future into my own hands. It was time for me to take control of my financial wellbeing. Over the years I have heard quite a bit about “home based businesses” (aka “Network Marketing”, Multi-Level Marketing, MLM) but have never given them more than a passing glance, up to now. I was contacted, about 3 months ago, by a friend of mine with a home-based-business pitch that hit home. For me, it was the right pitch at the right time. (I do not want to make this article a pitch for my MLM so I will keep it devoid of any specific MLM names or pitches.) He knew about my situation and positioned the pitch correctly. So, I decided to do some research into the whole network marketing industry. During my research I discovered that there are a myriad of legitimate home based businesses out there. I am not one to jump into anything without seeing who the competition is first. So I proceeded to listen to a number of select pitches for different MLMs. After doing 2-3 weeks’ worth of in-depth research I came back to my friend and joined. This article is not about the “how-to's” of choosing an MLM so I won’t go into the details of how I chose, just that I chose. We will leave the “how I chose for another time.” If you are considering the same path, I strongly suggest that you do your research and find one that you can be passionate about. Nothing sells like passion. With passion and an in-depth knowledge of your products/services you can become wealthy in the MLM business. Now, when I say “wealthy”, it all depends on what you want to put into it. As one of my successful up-line associates says: “you can do this full time, you can do this part time, but you can’t do this in your spare time.” You must be committed (in a good way) to making it work. If you have never experienced being your own boss, you don’t know what you are missing. If you have always worked for someone else, do you really want to go back to the same old grind? If you are currently employed, how long will that last? Do you feel stressed that you will be the next one laid off? Now, I am not saying quit your job and join an MLM. What I am saying is that you owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities. Most successful network marketing business owners transition out of the job market as their network marketing business begins to grow. What I am saying is now might be the time to explore owning your own network marketing business. Now I must warn you, the 80/20 rule applies here. 80% of network marketers will never even recoup their initial investment. This is because they buy in thinking that they will make money in their sleep and their down-line will magically appear. It’s the 20% that understands that this is hard work that will be successful. There are thousands of everyday people making it big in network marketing. In what other industry can anyone, who is willing to work, own their own business without “mortgaging the farm?” There are so many example of where network marketing can be the answer. Think of the single parent who has to drive to a job that they hate while paying a stranger to take care of their child (children). Think of how it would feel for that same person to stay at home with their child (children) and conducting their business from the house. For this person this would be heaven sent. How about the family where the husband is forced to take on two jobs just to try and make ends meet and never even sees his kids. Wouldn’t it be nice to run that second job from his home and if he works hard enough, give up the first job? Think of how much time you spend commuting to and from work; how much time you are away from your family, and how frustrated you feel. Network Marketing (sometimes called Multi Level Marketing [MLM]) is the fastest growing business in the world today. People are finally throwing off their shackles and taking control of their lives….isn’t it about time that you throw off your shackles and finally take control of your life? Now, don’t jump into the first opportunity that comes your way. Do your research. When doing your research, focus on products or services that you would be proud to introduce to your closest friends and your immediate family. Without your family’s support, you are doomed to failure. You need to be surrounded by supportive people. As far as training goes, most reputable MLM’s have built in training programs so that there are no additional fees other than the buy-in. When it comes to compensation, there are a multitude of different compensation programs. Make sure that you completely understand how and when you get paid. Always talk to more than one person in each program that you are considering. I strongly suggest that you delve deeply into at least three different MLMs and compare before you decide. When deciding, the hardest part is getting through the hype to the substance, but don’t ignore the hype. What I mean is, listen very carefully to the hype, because that is what you will have to do. So be sure that it sounds natural and something that you can do yourself. The network marketing business is not really about the product/service (however, you must be comfortable with the product/service) it is a business of DUPLICATION! Does the program that you are considering have a duplicatable process that fits with your personality? If you are comfortable with the products/service and can duplicate the process, this can be fun and quite lucrative. Isn’t it time that you took control of your life………………….. Written by DragonHorse |
Friday, January 29, 2010
Isn't It Time You Checked Into Network Marketing?
Author: DubLiMan
| Posted at: 11:15 AM |
Filed Under:
Network Marketing,
Understanding Network Marketing

Winners of the Sweepstakes Drawing
Author: DubLiMan
| Posted at: 8:35 AM |
Filed Under:
DubLi Newsletter,
Sweepstakes Winners

Winners of the Sweepstakes Drawing We are very excited to let you know that the Christmas Sweepstakes drawing took place last Saturday in our new North American offices in Boca Raton, Florida. We had some excited Business Associates who volunteered to draw the lucky winners. With prizes worth a total of more than 8,000 USD the participation in the competition was overwhelmingly large. Those eligible for the drawing were Business Associates who answered all questions correctly. We will also post the lucky winners in the back office of DubLi Network and we kindly ask them to contact us by email so we can send out their great prizes. Please login to your back office to view the video showing the drawing. The video is listed under the DubLi TV section. Congratulations to all of you! This proves that you are on top of what DubLi is doing on a monthly basis. Keep informed by visiting your back office as often as possible!
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