Tuesday, February 16, 2010

DubLi Corp.: Shareholder Letter Feb. 9, 2010

 Newsletter | 02/09/2010
The DubLi team is extremely proud to inform that we are now part of a Public Company. DubLi and our affiliated companies merged with MediaNet Group Technologies, Inc., a publicly-traded company. MediaNet Group Technologies is listed on the United States OTC Bulletin Board with the stock symbol of MEDG.

Our primary goal and focus has always been to create long-term shareholder value and a company for which we can all be proud. Being a publicly-traded company allows us the opportunity to further expand this mission and gives way for us to truly create a worldwide shopping enterprise that creates significant worth to our shareholders, business associates and loyal team of employees.
The following is important for your investment understanding:

  • The merger closed in the fourth quarter 2009. As a result, we must now comply with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, regulations, financial and informational guidelines. There are many filings to be fulfilled by us with the SEC in the next several months and we are in the process of meeting these regulations. The timing of acceptance by the SEC is not exact and we will keep you updated.
  • Upon the completion of certain regulatory obligations, you will be issued “restricted” common shares at a ratio of approximately 2.7 of MEDG shares for each DubLi share. In accordance with the SEC, the common shares issued to you will be “restricted”, as defined by the SEC, and therefore a holding period of 12 months is mandatory after which time you can request your common shares to become unrestricted and thereby “free-trading”.
  • Your common shares are expected to be distributed to you in the second quarter of 2010 as we fulfill the requirements of the SEC and in accordance with our agreements.
  • We will now be filing quarterly reports of operations with the SEC on a timely basis and in accordance with SEC regulations. Our initial filing of operational results will be in mid-February, 2010, reflecting our three months of operations for the period ended December 31, 2009. Following our first report of operations as a combined entity, the market should begin to understand the full potential and value of our company.
Our management team at DubLi has sincerely valued your investment and partnership with us. In the coming months, as permitted by the SEC, our story of growth, success and economic potential will come to light and we look forward to your continued participation in creating long-term shareholder value.

I want to personally thank you for all your support and partnership in creating DubLi’s success in the past and the future.

Michael Hansen, President and Chief Executive Officer

197 Main Street
Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands Contact:

$100 MasterCard Gift Card Sold for $27.75

$100 MasterCard Gift Card was just sold for $27.75, a 72% savings, on DubLi's "Xpress" Reverse Auction today.  This is AMAZING.  If you haven't yet checked this out, you must see it to believe it.  Click HERE for 10 FREE credits so that you can take part in the bidding.

Click the Image below for details.


"How is this possible?" you ask.  Click HERE for the details.

DubLi Grand Opening

DubLi Network
On January 30th 2010 another milestone was added to the successful expansion of the global community of DubLi Network and DubLi.com.

Now in North America and located in the prestigious Town Center Office Park in Boca Raton, Florida is a luxuriously furnished 12,000 square feet office that represents the commitment and support to all the Business Associates worldwide.

Approximately 200 guests passed through the double glass entry doors to witness this Grand Opening Reception. At first glance, there was the impressive Golden logo of our public company MediaNet Group Technologies (symbol – MEDG). The sprawling office areas were superbly decorated which included a large conference room and additional conference areas for those from different countries to meet and mingle.

The catering company did an excellent job of providing plenty of hors d’oeuvres and tasty treats throughout the offices in a buffet style. Gathered around the almond crusted jumbo shrimp area were BA’s from Australia, Denmark, Germany, Canada and the United States. One will never know if they were chatting about this awesome event or their commitment to DubLi.

More Photos can be found in your Backoffice 
Among the guests were five Vice Presidents including Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mannheimer, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ashlock, Mr. Jim Pare, Mr. Villads Vest-Hansen, and our newest VP from Australia, Mr. Trevor Chatham. Founder and CEO Mr. Michael Hansen, Chairman Mr. Kent Lee Holmstoel, CEO of BSP Rewards Mr. Martin Berns, Professor Dr. Charles King were all present as well. Other special guests came a long way from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Lebanon, Australia and South America.

The Grand Opening continued the following day with a meeting for Sales Directors and their guests in the nearby Boca Raton Marriott, with updates given by Michael Hansen, Founder and CEO.

Concluding the three-day event was a special Vice Presidents’ meeting together with founder Michael Hansen. There were also lots of individual and group meetings with the life blood of our DubLi organization (you, our Business Associates). The excitement and enthusiasm was obvious to all in attendance. Video clips and pictures of this memorable event are available in the DubLi network back office.

DubLi would like to thank all the attendants for making this a special and memorable day!

Best Regards,
Your DubLi Team

"Live" DubLi "Xpress" Auction (Click to Participate)

Completed DubLi "Unique Bid" Auction Samples

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Completed DubLi "Xpress" Auction Samples

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