Monday, December 21, 2009

Unemployment chart you must see to believe!

Unemployment chart you must see to believe!
This should stun you. See the growing unemployment cancer metastasize with your own eyes, it’s here:

The darker the color of a county, the higher its unemployment rate. For example, yellow is low unemployment at 2 to 3%, while purple is 7 to 10% and black is over 10%. Obviously, the higher the percentage unemployed, the more people who are out of work.

(I found this via The Daily Crux,

(If the video doesn’t play or you want to see the original site for a much bigger view, go to Make sure you click the PLAY button in the center of the map.)

Now that you’ve seen the darkening landscape, stop to consider that those “govt” unemployment numbers are probably under-reported (on purpose, IMO) by at least 50%. (See the video below for the truth.)

Notice how poorly the bubble states (especially California) are doing, and how well the area around Washington, D.C., is doing. The worst news is that we’re a long way from this situation getting better. Entrepreneurs and self-starters will make do, but those dependent on “secure” jobs will find the market to be unfriendly. Government is the only growth industry left anymore.

And for even more perspective on how honest and accurate your govt is, check out this video:

Most headlines quoted America’s unemployment rate in November at 10.0 percent, down from 10.2 percent in October. That number is depressingly large, but even that under-counts the true number of unemployed. For instance, it doesn’t count those people who don’t have a job and have given up looking for one, or those who have found marginal part-time work but still can’t make ends meet and are still looking for a full-time job.

The government keeps stats on all of these “marginally attached workers” and people “employed part time for economic reasons” (rather than by choice). If you add all of those people in, the total unemployment rate in the U.S. is 17.2 percent, compared to 12.6 percent a year ago. The only good news is that number is down from 17.5 percent in October.

Yours in truth,

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